Saturday, July 25, 2009

Story of my Life

So I realised maybe it's time I started to blog again. It's been some time and I realise I needed to type out my thoughts once more.

Life hasn't really been a bed of roses but it is not that chaotic either. Maybe that's a sign of growing up. Managing my own money... my own time.

NS gave me one of the most exciting vocations I must say. I'm a medic. I respond to all kinds of ambulance calls ranging from just fever to falling from height (aka suicide). Feel my heart pumping when I 1st hear the alarm... run towards the Alpha (aka ambulance) ... sit tight as the Alpha speeds towards location... seeing the patient.... breathing a sigh of relief after conveying the patient safely to the hospital.

Relationship wise... non existent. There is a certain someone though who keeps running around in my head that it gives me constant headaches.

Haven't been exercising much and all I do is work and sleep and hang out on off days. Maybe I need someone to tell me I'm getting fat. then I'll do something about it.

Well, that's it a brief catch up on my life.


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